Lambda calculus

Results: 1452

131Lambda calculus / Functional programming / Theoretical computer science / Logic in computer science / Continuation-passing style / Combinatory logic / Eval / Monad / Derivative / Free variables and bound variables / Lambda calculus definition / A-normal form

Reasoning about Programs in Continuation-Passing Style Amr Sabry Matthias Felleisen Department of Computer Science

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Language: English - Date: 2011-10-24 10:44:59
132Type theory / Automated theorem proving / Logic in computer science / Formal methods / Proof assistants / Coq / CurryHoward correspondence / Lambda calculus / Propositional calculus / First-order logic

propositional logic logical verification week

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Language: English - Date: 2004-12-15 12:39:29
133Computability theory / Theoretical computer science / Formal methods / Models of computation / Lambda calculus / Eval / Scheme / Env / Interpreter / Anonymous function / Halting problem / Turing machine

Microsoft PowerPoint - universal_machinesv2.ppt

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Language: English - Date: 2005-12-08 08:45:06
134Constraint programming / Constraint satisfaction problem / Lambda calculus / Constraint / Constraint logic programming / Constraint satisfaction

Binding-Time Analysis for Standard ML Lars Birkedal & Morten Welinder DIKU, Department of Computer Science University of Copenhagen DK–2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Email: &

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Language: English - Date: 2010-10-22 08:04:46
135Lambda calculus / Anonymous function / Lambda lifting / Lambda calculus definition

Microsoft PowerPoint - Lect14lecture_env3.ppt

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Language: English - Date: 2005-11-01 06:30:49
136Elementary algebra / Computer algebra / Symbolic computation / Expression / Identity / Computer algebra system / Algebraic expression / Integral / Trigonometric functions / Draft:Formulae / Lambda calculus definition

Crafting a Repository of Knowledge Based on Transformation Rules A.D. Rich (1) and D.J. JeffreyLoli’i Way, Kamuela, Hawaii, USA.

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Language: English - Date: 2009-04-06 23:30:16
137Lambda calculus / Subroutines / Functional programming / Data types / Anonymous function / Parameter / Implicit function / Church encoding

Kat - the language of calculations Mikus Vanags Parameter declaration explicitly

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Language: English - Date: 2015-07-08 07:22:21
138Lambda calculus / Type theory / Higher-order functions / Programming language comparisons / Logic in computer science / Anonymous function / Type inference / Propositional calculus / Map / Unification / Fold / Calculus

The Topics Type Inference, Higher Order Algebra, and Lambda Calculus Type Inference: how to find the possible type(s) of expressions, without

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Language: English - Date: 2013-12-11 16:14:47
139Theoretical computer science / Computability theory / Logic in computer science / Lambda calculus / Process calculi / Combinatory logic / -calculus / Substitution / Group action / Binary relation / Equivalence relation / FO

Internal draft. Available online from∼ljw1004 Symmetric action calculi Philippa Gardner and Lucian J. Wischik

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Language: English - Date: 2001-08-20 15:53:16
140Actor model / Concurrent computing / Dwight D. Eisenhower

A Development of Lambda Calculus with Onappo Ike Antkaretoo International Institute of Technology United Slates of Earth

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Language: English - Date: 2014-01-09 04:24:29